ReSources Catalogue

Welcome to the ALEPH Canada ReSources Library! You can purchase hard-to-find books, siddurim (prayerbooks), monographs, articles, and other educational materials written by Jewish Renewal luminaries. Some of these materials are required reading in the ALEPH Ordination Program. Items are only available for download due to the restrictive costs of production, storage, and shipping. Electronic versions also reduce our carbon footprint. 


Dear Friends,

For the past few years, I’ve been adding resources to the catalogue, mostly without charge. Unfortunately, ALEPH Canada has been losing money it doesn’t have and so we have decided to establish a minimum of $5 for each purchase. In some cases, the basic price of more expensive items has been reduced and all items now have two donation options in addition to the basic price. All prices are still in Canadian dollars.

On behalf of ALEPH Canada, I hope you will understand and be generous when you purchase items.

With blessings for the coming year, one we pray of emerging peace,

Rabbi Daniel